Tuoingocchay Tuoingocchay Website: tuoingocchay.com Facebook page: TuoiNgocChay Oriented as a sales website for Tuoi Ngoc Chay restaurant combined with Eat clean vegetarian blog to share the vegetarian weight loss journey, inspirational stories, experiences, recipes cook healthy vegetarian food. However, the blog and articles are not yet complete. Achievement: After 10 days of broadcasting, it has received 11 orders on the web. 28. Nhachin Channel link: Website: nhachin.com (newly opened.
Link FB Fanpage Group FB Information about channel content: Online DB to Data business of natural products that are good for health, specifically the two products I am currently trading: saffron and cordyceps. organic, quality and environmentally friendly products, aiming to support health and beauty. Build a channel to share knowledge about health (blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease...), yoga. After making a complete website, we will share how to create a website for lowtech people.
Achievements: I sell tangible products (specifically saffron and cordyceps) mainly through personal Facebook, fanpage, Facebook group and external relationships with colleagues, friends, bought Nhung's course and am tinkering with it step by step, making a website, not yet registered and no income from affiliate yet. 29. Nguyentuonglinh Nguyentuonglinh Channel link Blog: nguyentuonglinh.com Fanpage: sonniebeauty Instagram: sonnybeauty Information about channel content A place to share beauty tips, girl stories and review skincare products. Happyplus team Happyplus team Web link: happyplusteam.com Fanpage: DinhDuongCB Main content about nutritional knowledge and healthy weight los.